Friday 26 February 2016

Continue with HUCK FINN Essays

Today we are going to continue over your tests and then begin your essays.  Note - essays should be 2-3 pages and will be due on Monday.

Unit Learning goal: Students will demonstrate knowledge of nineteenth century foundation works of American Literature by analyzing satire in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and relating one of its main themes to another text and issue of the time. 
Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:
4 – The student can analyze Mark Twain’s use of satire to address an issue of the day and compare/contrast multiple themes in the text with other texts of realism
3 – The student can analyze satire used in Huckleberry Finn and connect a major theme of the book to another text and issue of the time
2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can analyze the satire in Huckleberry Finn and connect the novel to a issue of the day
1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to analyze satire or connect the novel to an issue of the day. 

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