Monday 12 October 2015


Early American Writing 1491-1800
(Native American Literature, Literature of Explorations and Early Settlement, Literature of the Puritan Experience, Literature of the American Revolution).

Unit Learning goal: Students will demonstrate knowledge of sixteenth-nineteenth century foundation works of American Literature by choosing one of the four subsections of this Unit (Native American Experience, Early Explorers and Settlers, The Puritan Experience, and Writers of the Revolution) researching and reading an additional story, essay or speech of their choice and creating a video discussing the theme and how the work fits its particular period. 
Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:
4 – The student can create a video that explores two or more of the subsections of this unit and relate it to a theme and time period.
3 – The student can create a video that explores one of the subsections of this unit and relate it to a theme and time period.
2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student can create a video that explores one of the subsections of this unit and relate it to a theme and time period.

1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to can create a video that explores one of the subsections of this unit and relate it to a theme and time period.

Boston Tea Party - Eye Witness 

Ethan Allen and Ticonderoga 

The Iroquois Constitution

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