Thursday 8 October 2015


Native American Texts:

For the Native American Myths, be able to describe the type of myth (creation or trickster), what ideas the myth reinforces, and cite textual evidence to support your ideas.

Non-fiction pieces:

Be able to determine the author's purpose and give examples from the text that back up your ideas.

a) “From the General History of Virginia”
b) “Of Plymouth Plantation”
c) “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”

Be able to determine author's purpose and list examples of appeals (logos, ethos, pathos) and claims for

d) "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God"
e) "Speech in the Virginia Convention"

Outline the three sections

f) "The Declaration of Independence"

And for The Crucible be able to discuss what aspects of New England life are displayed within the text.

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